萬國博覽會(Cultural exhibition)

    2013清大國際週 -- 萬國博覽會: 「摩」鏡夢遊

    誰說環遊世界、體驗文化要花大錢? 今天,我們讓你不用花半毛錢便能走遍世界。清華大學現今校內已有500多位僑外學生,來自世界各地不同國家,讓清大校園內就有一個小型聯合國的存在。為了讓本地學生提升國際觀視野,邀請僑外學生和本地生合作來舉辦萬國博覽會,讓世界走入清華。

    2013年4月28號早上十點到下午兩點半,來自世界各地22國國家學生相約清華大草坪,為您介紹各國精緻文物、道地點心、華麗服飾、美麗景點、舞蹈表演、語言教學、互動遊戲、以及最新最深入的旅遊資訊,等你加入我們和清大的外國學生一起have some fun!活動以華麗的群舞開場,各國繽紛的傳統服飾也將大家的目光吸引到大草坪。逛完所有的攤位完還有大獎等你抽,現場另有互動遊戲活動與表演,集滿所有的戳章有精美贈品可以兌換,讓你能在愉快的氣氛中體驗環遊世界快感!
    根據往年活動經驗,參與活動者除了清華大學校內學生、校友以及教職員外,同時還有新竹地區民眾前來共襄盛舉,參與人數約莫1000人。值得一提的是,2011年國際週還曾邀請到總統 馬英九先生前來參與這個盛事!期待今年國際週萬國博覽會將比往年更加精采,並邀請更多人一同加入我們的行列。


   2013 Cultural Exhibition : Formosa Wonderland

     There are more than 500 foreign students from different countries in National Tsing Hua University today. In our campus, it is like a small United Nations that is existed already. Through this opportunity, in order to raise the students' global perspective, Cultural Exhibition has held for a few years to let everyone in campus has more deep understanding in various cultures.

     Do you want to see the beauty of different countries in Tsing Hua University anniversary this year? On April 28, 2013, from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm, students from 20 countries around the world will introduce you all the spectacular cultural exhibits, some traditional food, traditional costumes, beautiful tourist attractions, dance performances, languages, and travel information included as well. We hope you can join us and have some fun.

     Based on our past experience, in addition to the students, alumni, faculties from NTHU, there are about 1000 participants such as residents from Hsinchu. We are very proud to mention that President Ma attended in 2011's cultural exhibition, which is a best proof for our success in this activity. This year, we're looking forward to have more exciting events than ever!

     Participating Countries in 2013's cultural exhibition: Myanmar, Germany, Paraguay, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Haiti, Switzerland, Nigeria, Panama, Vietnam, France, Saint Lucia, Belize, Honduras, Hong Kong/Macao, Malaysia, Indonesia, Israel, India.